Phase 1 of a 753 nr. unit residential housing development comprising 6 nr. neighbourhoods, a local centre including retail, a crèche, doctors surgery and community use unit and all associated and ancillary infrastructure, services and site development works. This initial phase includes the construction of a 250 nr. housing units for private, cost rental and social markets.
The residential units will comprise the following:
• Detached houses (3 & 4 bedroom units)
• Semi-detached houses (3 & 4 bedroom units)
• Terrace houses (2,3 & 4 bedroom units)
• Duplexes (2 & 3 bedroom units)
• Apartments over 3 nr. blocks
The development will also include a number of open spaces and play areas in addition to general landscaping, boundary treatments (including walls and landscaping to the houses to the north) and lands to the east, and landscaped parkland / greenway. An internal distributor road providing access to neighbouring lands, associated internal roads, car parking, pedestrian and cycle paths (providing access to neighbouring lands), public lighting, internal bus stops and turning area, bin storage (in apartment locations), cycle parking and all site services infrastructure will also be included.